Activate Exhibitors / Sponsors Module

Exhibitor configuration is in the Exhibitor / Sponsors module. After you have completed creating your convention, you can activate this module and configure exhibitors to get them added to your website.  The Exhibitors / Sponsors module can be configured when a convention is public or private.  The second part of activating the Exhibitors / Sponsors module is to configure booths and sponsorships for sale.  This may also be done when a convention is public or private; however, sales cannot begin until a Stripe Standard Account is configured for your convention.

Activate Exhibitors / Sponsors Module

The Activate Exhibitors / Sponsors Module Checklist is located to the right of the Getting Started Checklist.  Expand the checklist for step-by-step instructions on exhibitor and sponsor setup.

Enable Exhibitor / Sponsor Management

  1. Click on Enable Exhibitor / Sponsor Management or go to Convention Tools > Exhibitors / Sponsors > Settings.
  2. This will display the Exhibitors Settings screen.
  3. Click the "Enable exhibitor/sponsorship management" button under Applications.

Set Exhibitor Settings

  1. Click on Set Exhibitor Settings or go to Convention Tools > Exhibitors / Sponsors > Settings.
  2. This will display the Exhibitors Settings screen.
    • Applications:  This field displays the current state of applications for exhibitors and sponsors.  The default for this field is pending.  You can "Open applications".  Once applications have been opened, you have the choice to "Suspend applications" or "Close applications".  If you close applications, you will not be able to reopen them.  
    • Booth Sales:  This field displays the current state of booth sales.  The default for the field is pending.  You can "Open booth sales".  Once booth sales have been opened, you have the choice to "Suspend booth sales" or "Close booth sales". If you close booth sales, you will not be able to reopen them.
    • Sponsorship Sales:  This field displays the current state of sponsorship sales.  The default for the field is pending.  You can "Open sponsorship sales".  Once sponsorship sales have been opened, you have the choice to "Suspend sponsorship sales" or "Close sponsorship sales". If you close sponsorship sales, you will not be able to reopen them.
    • Application Approval:  Do you want to review and approve each exhibitor application manually or have the system automatically approve them when submitted?
    • Terms URL:  If you have a document or external link that you would like to appear on your application that provides detailed terms for potential exhibitors, enter it here.  You can use a page you created in Convention Tools > Pages & Links > Sub Pages & Links.
    • Application Header:  You can create the header that will appear at the top of your exhibitor application.  A preview of the text will appear on the right side of the screen.
    • Default Maximum Booths Per Exhibitor:  Do you have a maximum number of booths that one exhibitor can purchase?  You will be able to override this for each exhibitor.
    • Send Exhibitors Info Email?  If you select yes, you can create a custom email that will go to your exhibitor after booth purchase or assignment.  A preview of the email will appear on the right side of the screen.
  3. Click "Done" when finished.

Application Custom Fields

  1. In the New Field section, enter a Label for the field and determine what Type of data will be entered into the field.  Click "Create".
    • Label:  This is how the field will appear to the attendee when they are purchasing the badge.
    • Name:  This is used by the database to store and export your data.  This field should contain no spaces or non-alpha characters.  Once this is set, it should never be changed.
    • Sequence Number:  If you have multiple custom fields, this will determine the order they appear to the attendee.
    • Type:  This is the type of data that will exist in this field.  It cannot be changed once the custom field is created.
      • Text:  Contains letters, numbers and a limited set of punctuation characters.  Maximum 255 characters.
      • Long Text:  Allows more characters in the data entry.
      • Hyperlink:  Allows a link to another web location.
      • Dropdown List:  Allows the organizer to define a list that the attendee will be forced to choose from.  In the Drop Down List field, you will enter your list with one selectable option per row.
      • Agree to Terms:  Allows the organizer to have a link to a terms document.  The attendee will have to check a box to agree.
    • Required:  Determine if the field is required or not for the application.
    • Visible to?:  Everybody - allows all attendees to see the information in this field.  Owner and Convention Organizer - allows the badge holder and you to see the information in this field.  Convention Organizers - allows only you to see the information in this field.
    • Editable by?:  If you are allowing application editing, determine who can edit this application.  Owner and Convention Organizer allows the attendee that filed the application and you to edit.  Convention Organizers allows only you to edit.
    • Is conditionally displayed?:  Determine if this field will only be displayed based on the contents of another field.  If you select yes, you will be able to set the Conditional Field and Conditional Value.  
  2. Repeat as needed.
  3. Click "Done" when you are finished.

Create Booth Types

  1. Click on Create Booth Types from the checklist or go to Convention Tools > Exhibitors / Sponsors > Booth Types.
  2. This will display the Booth Types screen.
  3. Enter a Name for a new booth type and click "Create".
  4. This will display the Edit Booth Types screen.
    • Name:  This is the name you entered when you created the booth type.
    • Description:  This is a basic description of the space and what is included.
    • Price:  How much does this booth type cost?
    • Depth:  How deep is the booth?
    • Width:  How wide is the booth?
    • Badges Included:  Will there be free badges included with the purchase of this booth?  
    • Badge Type to Include:  What badge type will be included with this booth?  Note:  The badge type you choose can be set up to have a price in the Registration module.  The exhibitor will just not be charged the price for number of badges included with their booth.
  5. Click "Done" when finished.
  6. Repeat steps 3 - 5 as necessary.

Booth Options

  1. Enter a booth option in the field and click "Create".
    • Name: The name you entered when you created the booth option.
    • Description:  A short description of what is included with the option.
    • Price Each:  What are you charging for this option?
    • How many of this add-on can an exhibitor add?:  Can more than one of this item be purchased?  For example, if you are offering chairs, you may want to allow them to purchase more than one.
  2. Click "Done" when finished.
  3. Repeat steps 1 - 2 as necessary.

Define Rooms & Zones

  1. Click on Define Rooms & Zones from the checklist or go to Convention Tools > Exhibitors / Sponsors > Rooms.
  2. This will display the Rooms screen.  The rooms you created in the Scheduling module will already be here.
  3. Enter the exhibitor room name and click "Create".
  4. This will display Edit [room name] screen.  Note:  When accessing this screen from the Exhibitors & Sponsors module, the screen looks slightly different.  The Allowed Event Types and Event Spaces section are replaced with Zones and Booths sections.
  5. In the Zones section, you can section off your exhibitor space by theme, aisles, quadrant, etc.  This is optional.
  6. Type a Name in the field and click "Create".
  7. Continue for all zones and click "Done" when finished.
  8. In the Booths section, you can set up the different booths available for purchase or assignment.
  9. Enter a Name, select a Booth Type, determine if it is already Reserved, and select a Zone (if using).  
  10. Click "Create".
  11. Continue for all booths.
  12. Click "Done" when finished.  Repeat as needed.

Set Exhibitor Dates & Times

  1. Click on Set Exhibitor Dates & Times from the checklist or go to Convention Tools > Convention Setup > Dates.
  2. This will display the Convention Days screen.  This screen has two new columns:  Exhibitor Setup and Exhibit.  
  3. Choose a day to edit, and click "Edit" to the right of your choice.
  4. At the bottom of the screen, in the Use Exhibitor Times on this Day? field, choose This Day DOES have exhibitor times.  If you are editing an organizer day, you will be able to enter an Exhibitor Start Time and Exhibitor End Time that will be listed as move-in/out times.  If you are editing an events day, you will be able to set Exhibitor Start Time and Exhibitor End Time in addition to a second Exhibit Start Time and Exhibit End Time.  The first set defines the times exhibitors are allowed at their booth before and after they are open.  The second set defines when attendees will be able to access the booths.
  5. Click "Change Schedule" when finished.  If the you have set times the system won't allow, you will get an error message and your updates will not be saved.  
  6. You will have to use the browser back button to return to the Convention Days screen.  Repeat steps 3 - 5 until all days are set.

Create Sponsorships

  1. Click on Create Sponsorships or go to Convention Tools > Exhibitors / Sponsors > Sponsorships.
  2. This will display the Sponsorships screen. 
  3. Enter a Name and click "Create".
  4. This will display the Edit Sponsorship screen.
    • Name:  This is the name you entered when you created the sponsorship.
    • Description:  Provide a detailed explanation of what is included in this sponsorship.  You can add images if needed.
    • Sequence Number:  If you have multiple sponsorships, this will determine the order they appear to the applicant.
    • Price:  Enter the price of the sponsorship.
    • Max Available:  How many of this sponsorship are available?
    • Sellable?:  You can choose Not For Sale, For Sale or Hidden from Public.  Just like other items, you can choose to provide access to sponsorship privately or publicly.
    • Badges Included:  Will there be free badges included with this sponsorship?  
    • Badge Type to Include:  What badge type will be included with this sponsorship?  Note:  The badge type you choose can be set up to have a price in the Registration module.  The sponsor will just not be charged the price for number of badges included with their sponsorship.
  5. Click "Done" when finished.
  6. Repeat steps 3 - 4 as needed.

Custom Fields

  1. In the New Field section, enter a Label for the field and determine what Type of data will be entered into the field.  Click "Create".
    • Label:  This is how the field will appear to the attendee when they are purchasing the badge.
    • Name:  This is used by the database to store and export your data.  This field should contain no spaces or non-alpha characters.  Once this is set, it should never be changed.
    • Sequence Number:  If you have multiple custom fields, this will determine the order they appear to the attendee.
    • Type:  This is the type of data that will exist in this field.  It cannot be changed once the custom field is created.
      • Text:  Contains letters, numbers and a limited set of punctuation characters.  Maximum 255 characters.
      • Long Text:  Allows more characters in the data entry.
      • Hyperlink:  Allows a link to another web location.
      • Dropdown List:  Allows the organizer to define a list that the attendee will be forced to choose from.  In the Drop Down List field, you will enter your list with one selectable option per row.
      • Agree to Terms:  Allows the organizer to have a link to a terms document.  The attendee will have to check a box to agree.
    • Required:  Determine if the field is required or not for sponsorship purchase.
    • Visible to?:  Everybody - allows all attendees to see the information in this field.  Owner and Convention Organizer - allows the badge holder and you to see the information in this field.  Convention Organizers - allows only you to see the information in this field.
    • Editable by?:  If you are allowing sponsorship editing, determine who can edit this field.  Owner and Convention Organizer allows the person who is purchasing the sponsorship and you to edit.  Convention Organizers allows only you to edit.
    • Is conditionally displayed?:  Determine if this field will only be displayed based on the contents of another field.  If you select yes, you will be able to set the Conditional Field and Conditional Value.  
  2. Repeat as needed.
  3. Click "Done" when you are finished.

Import Sponsorships

  1. If you have created a previous convention and wish to import your sponsorships from that convention, click on "Import" on the Sponsorships screen.
  2. This will display the Import Sponsorships screen.
  3. Choose a Convention to Import From in the drop-down menu.
  4. Click "Import Sponsorships from Convention".
  5. Sponsorships will be imported.

Setup Discount Codes (optional)

Discount codes are available for badges.  You might want to set up an early bird discount or use them to comp your staff badges.  Refer to Activate / Manage Discount Codes for additional information.

Open Applications

  1. Click on Open Applications or go to Convention Tools > Exhibitors / Sponsors > Settings.
  2. This will display the Exhibitors Settings screen. 
  3. Under Applications, click the "Open applications" button.
  4. Exhibitor applications are now open.  You can suspend applications or close applications, but remember that once closed, they cannot be reopened.

Open Booth Sales

  1. If you are following the checklist step-by-step, you are already on the Exhibitors Settings screen.  If you are returning, click on Open Booth Sales or go to Convention Tools > Exhibitors / Sponsors > Settings.
  2. This will display the Exhibitors Settings screen.
  3. Under Booth Sales, click the "Open booth sales" button.
  4. Booth sales are now open.  You can suspend booth sales or close booth sales, but remember that once closed, they cannot be reopened.

Open Sponsorship Sales

  1. If you are following the checklist step-by-step, you are already on the Exhibitors Settings screen.  If you are returning, click on Open Sponsorship Sales or go to Convention Tools > Exhibitors / Sponsors > Settings.
  2. This will display the Exhibitors Settings screen.
  3. Under Sponsorship Sales, click the "Open sponsorship sales" button.
  4. Sponsorship sales are now open.  You can suspend sponsorship sales or close sponsorship sales, but remember that once closed, they cannot be reopened.
  5. Once sponsorship sales are open, the button on the front page will change:


Warning! Tutorials may be slightly out of date with current code.

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