Refund or Convert Convention Badge / Ticket / Merch Purchase
Convention organizers set the refund deadlines for their conventions. The deadline will be listed on the page where you can purchase badges and in the cart on the badge, ticket or merch pages for the convention. If you paid convenience fees on your original transaction, those fees will not be refunded. Additionally some conventions may choose to withhold a percentage of the item refund for administrative purposes. See your receipt for more information.
For conventions that enable the convert option, you can also convert them from one badge type to another, one ticket to another or one merch item to another during the refund period. If the original item is more expensive than the converted item, you will be refunded the difference (with no refund of fees). If the original item was less expensive than the converted item, you will be charged the difference. If you paid convenience fees on the original transaction, you will pay the convenience fees only on the difference.
You can begin the refund process from multiple locations:
- Receipts - badge, tickets or merch
- Convention badge detail - badge, tickets or merch
Conversions can be started for the same locations using the Convert button.
Refunds from My Receipts
- If you wish to review your receipt, click on your username in the upper right hand corner of the Tabletop.Events website.
- In the Conventions section, click on My Receipts.
- Click on the receipt number you wish to review.

If a refund is available, you will see a "Refund" button to the right of the line item. You are able to request refunds on any badge, ticket or merch that you purchased under your TTE account. Those funds will be returned to you.
Refunds from Convention Badge Detail
- If you wish to review your badge details, click on your username in the upper right hand corner of the Tabletop.Events website.
- In the Conventions I'm Attending section, click on the badge you wish to see. (You can also review your badge by going to the homepage of the convention, choosing Attend > Get / View Your Badge and clicking on the badge you wish to review.)
If a refund is available, you will see a "Refund" button to the right of the line item. You are able to request refunds on any badge, ticket or merch that you purchased under your TTE account. Those funds will be returned to you.
- When viewing your badge, you can find the Convert button next to the badge, tickets or merch.
- Click the Convert button next to the item you wish to change.
- Select the new badge, event or product and click the Convert button.
- If the original item is more expensive than the converted item, you will be refunded the difference (with no refund of fees). If the original item was less expensive than the converted item, you will be charged the difference. If you paid convenience fees on the original transaction, you will pay the convenience fees only on the difference.