Manage Convention Days
Convention Days define the duration and times for your convention. Different parts of the convention day are set up as you create the convention and activate different modules.
Convention Days
Create an In-Person Convention
- Day Start / End
- Attendee Times
- Day Type
- Events Schedule
Activate Exhibitors / Sponsors Module
- Exhibitor Setup
- Exhibit
Edit Convention Day
- Open the home page for your convention.
- Go to Convention Tools > Convention Setup > Dates.
- This will display the Convention Days screen as seen above.
- Click "Edit" next to the day you wish to edit.
- This will display the [day name] screen. This page works differently than other TTE pages as changes are not saved as you enter information in a field. Instead you make all the changes in the left-hand section and click on "Change Schedule" at the bottom of the screen. This will apply all your changes at once. If one of your changes do not work, you will see an error alert and none of the changes will be applied. Any error alert will describe the specific problem so you can adjust your edits.

Day Parts
When a convention has enabled event management, the system creates Day Parts for each convention day. These parts will start at the Event Schedule Start Time using the intervals you set in Minimum Event Durations in the Enable Event Creation for [convention name] screen. Day parts will display on the right side of the screen if they have been created for a convention day.
Time Slots
Time Slots are the spaces you have created for a specific day part. If you wish to block a room from being scheduled for a lunch, cleaning, etc. break, click the "X" button next to the slot. This will block that slot from being used during event scheduling. If you wish to remove the reservation, click the "check" button. If you have scheduled events, they will appear here. You cannot change anything for those through this screen.
Change Event Schedule Times
- To shorten the event schedule, determine how many day parts you will need. "Delete" the number of day parts from the end of the list until you have the correct number of day parts you need. Then change the Event Schedule Start Time and/or Event Schedule End Time. The system will shift the day parts to begin at your new start time and extend through the day with the same intervals.
- To lengthen the event schedule, first change the Event Schedule Start Time and/or Event Schedule End Time. The system will shift the day parts to begin at your new start time and extend through the day with the same intervals. You will not have enough day parts to fill your new schedule, so you will have to click "Add Day Part". This adds an additional day part to the end of the list. Repeat as needed.